Monday Morning Encouragement -- Our Faithful God


"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

Today's scripture reminds us that God's faithfulness never wanes. He never grows tired of us. He never turns away from us. He never gives up on us. He will always "carry" us, always "sustain" us, always "rescue" us. This is a wonderful promise, and I believe the longer we live in His presence the more convinced we become of its truthfulness.

I am now an elder with gray hair. I've lived through difficult times and I'm more convinced today than I was 40 years ago that God is and always will be faithful to me. I know it because His words says so, and I know it from experience. He has never failed me. Not once. This promise is for all who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ. He is the Faithful One. He came to earth with one mission, and He fulfilled it perfectly. He who bore our sins on the cross is faithful!

I came across a quote from the late great preacher J. Vernon McGee that beautifully illustrates my point:

"As a young preacher, I spoke a great deal about standing for the Lord and about suffering. I used to go to hospitals and pat people on the hand and pray with them. I would tell them that the Lord would be with them. At that time I was a professional preacher, saying what I did not know to be true from my own experience, although I believed it. But the day came when I went into the hospital myself. Another preacher came in and prayed with me. When he started to go, I said to him, 'I’ve done the same thing you have done. I’ve been here, and I have told people that God would be with them. Now you are going to walk out of here, but I am staying, and I will find out if it is a theory or if what I have been telling people is true.' Friend, I found out it is true. Now it is no longer a mere theory. I know it by the fact that the Word of God says it and by the fact that I have experienced it. I don’t argue with people about these things any more because there are certain things I know. I would never argue with you about whether honey is sweet or not. If you don’t think it is sweet, that is your business. I had some this morning for breakfast, and I know it is sweet. That is the knowledge that comes from experience."

Today's music video Faithful One by Brian Doerksen is a gentle praise song to our "Rock", "Our Anchor". A reminder of God's faithfulness.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. I enjoyed reading Paster McGee's experience. How nice to experience what he was preaching for himself. Gorgeous song. Happy New Week Nancy. Hugs. Kris

  2. That was an interesting story from the preacher and very true. I also know that these things are true. I honestly don't know how anyone can live through these days that we're living through without knowing that the Lord is real and cares about us so much.
    Thank you for your message today.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. J. Vernon McGee is always good to read. I'm making my way through his "Through the Bible" books and enjoy so much his insight and style of expression. He was a treasure! And this is true about going through experiences in life. It draws us closer to God and improves our compassion for others.

  4. I've lost touch with social media, dear Nancy, and not been able to visit you here or on your channel. Hope to do better. And hope you are well.

  5. What J Vernon McGee wrote is truth. We know because we have experienced God's love, grace and mercy.

  6. What a lovely blog. Beautiful devotion. Thank you.


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