Monday Morning Encouragement -- Authentic Sacrifice


"For every beast of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills." Psalm 50:10

God is in need of nothing. He is the Creator of all things, and everything on the earth belongs to Him. Everything we lay claim to originated from Him. If we are blessed with much, it is because the Lord graciously has given to us from His storehouse.

So if we offer up to God are valuables, what is that? For after all, they already belong to Him. But if we offer up to God our hearts, fully surrendered and devoted to Him, how much more of a true sacrifice that is. What we do with our hearts is our decision. That is the free will that God has allowed us to have. This is not to say we should not tithe, or be charitable with our money. But authentic sacrifice to God begins with a heart that is in love with Him. If we do not love Him, then our sacrifice is meaningless.

Here's what Matthew Henry has to say on the matter:

"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to love God and our neighbour better than all burnt-offerings. We are here warned not to rest in these performances. And let us beware of resting in any form. God demands the heart, and how can human inventions please him, when repentance, faith, and holiness are neglected? In the day of distress we must apply to the Lord by fervent prayer. Our troubles, though we see them coming from God's hand, must drive us to Him, not drive us from Him. We must acknowledge Him in all our ways, depend upon His wisdom, power, and goodness, and refer ourselves wholly to Him, and so give Him glory. Thus must we keep up communion with God; meeting Him with prayers under trials, and with praises in deliverances. A believing supplicant shall not only be graciously answered as to his petition, and so have cause for praising God, but shall also have grace to praise Him."

Today's music video Here's My Heart by Casting Crowns is a call to surrender our hearts to the Lord, and acknowledge His ownership of our lives. Let it be our prayer of surrender to Him.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


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