Monday Morning Encouragement -- Stewards of God's Varied Grace


"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:" 1 Peter 4:10

Have you ever thought of yourself as a steward of God's varied grace? If you are a follower of Christ, that's exactly what you are. 

God's varied grace -- His many-faceted favor and kindness toward us -- is displayed through the many and various gifts that He has given to His children. According to Barnes' Notes on the Bible:

"The word rendered 'the gift' (χάρισμα charisma,) in the Greek, without the article, means 'endowment' of any kind, but especially that conferred by the Holy Spirit. Here it seems to refer to every kind of endowment by which we can do good to others; especially every kind of qualification furnished by religion by which we can help others. It does not refer here particularly to the ministry of the word - though it is applicable to that, and includes that - but to all the gifts and graces by which we can contribute to the welfare of others. All this is regarded as a gift, or charisma, of God. It is not owing to ourselves, but is to be traced to him."

Again, an excerpt from Barnes:

"As good stewards - Regarding yourselves as the mere stewards of God; that is, as appointed by him to do this work for him, and entrusted by him with what is needful to benefit others. He intends to do them good, but he means to do it through your instrumentality, and has entrusted to you as a steward what he designed to confer on them. This is the true idea, in respect to any special endowments of talent, property, or grace, which we may have received from God." 

Whatever God has bestowed upon us is not simply for our edification. It is for His glory, and to the benefit of others. It could be spiritual gifts as outlined in Corinthians 12, or it could be material things. When we understand that God blesses us so that we can in turn bless others, we then can live with open hearts and hands. There is so much freedom in knowing this and practicing it. I don't say that I, as Paul would say, "have arrived." I have not. But more and more I desire to live this way. 

Today's music video Grace Alone is an older song by Scott Wesley Brown. I hope it will minister God's grace to you.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. So thankful for the beautiful gifts of the Lord to us, they are many and varied!

  2. While not having fully arrived either, like you are, I am always striving to find ways to wisely use what God has given, which is everything. Everything comes from Him, and I know this and am grateful. I know someone at church who uses her house like you are describing here... openly serving others in numerous ways, and I thought of her as I was reading this! Right in this moment, I thank God for all He has entrusted to me. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Nancy!

  3. Yes, all we do is for His glory! Thank you, as always, for encouraging us all--for His glory.

  4. Thank you for this reminder. It's very timely in light of how the world is today. We can show God through all we do and say.


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