Monday Morning Encouragement -- Morning Meeting

"I rise before dawn and cry for help. I wait for your words."  Psalm 119:47

I'm a morning person. Morning is my favorite time of day. It's when I have the most energy and the clearest mind. Things that seemed overwhelming the day before somehow become more manageable in the morning light.

Morning is when I meet with the Lord. It's the time when I sit quietly with my coffee, open my Bible, and wait for Him to speak to me. He speaks to me through the words penned there by the Holy Spirit through obedient men. 

When I'm confused, the Lord brings clarity through scripture. When I'm fearful, He gives me courage; often through the struggles of ordinary men and women spoken of in the Bible. Those who faithfully trusted in God when they were facing various trials and tribulation. They trusted Him, waited on Him for deliverance, and saw their deliverance come. In this their faith was strengthened. And reading their stories strengthens my faith and comforts me.

I have found no other pathway to peace than meeting with the Lord Jesus and pouring my heart out to Him, allowing Him to minister to me through His word. It is my "Monday morning encouragement," as well as my encouragement every other morning in the week.

Today's music video Give Me Jesus by Fernando Ortega is so beautiful. I hope you will be encouraged by his music and words, as I am.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. I'm an early morning person too, Nancy! You are so right, things seem more manageable with the dawn of a new day! I'm up very early, with my coffee and my Bible, prayer list for the day, and an open heart and mind. The Lord so often directs me as I start the day, and oh how I need it! Meeting with Him first thing really does set the tone for the day! I so appreciate your Monday devotions!! Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. I am the opposite. I do not sleep right away when I go to bed so I pray then. It calms my mind. Mornings I am up an into my routine. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

    1. I can't keep my eyes open after 7:00 PM. LOL Enjoy your evening time, Kris!♥

  3. How in the world do people manage to stumble through life without Jesus by their side? I've started a new study this fall. It's Bible Study Fellowship, (BSF), and there are people all over the world, thousands upon thousands of people of all denominations studying the same lessons. All ages too, from toddler to adult, men & women, (separately). It lasts the entire school year. Our group meets on Wednesday morning. We're studying the book of John and there is homework for everyday. It's pretty intense. You can look it up online if you would like more information.
    You encourage me every Monday with your beautiful words that you share with us.

    1. I'm familiar with BSF, and have several friends who regularly join their studies and have told me how intense the study is. I just don't have the time to do the level of preparation required. I'm glad you're enjoying it, Betsy. Thanks for your encouragement!♥

  4. One of my very favorite Fernando Ortega songs! I'm not not a morning person, I wake up ready to go, but prefer to give myself a bit of time before my reading. When my kids were small I did my Bible reading in the evenings after everyone was in bed!

    1. Children change things for sure! God bless you, Deanna.♥

  5. Thank you for the "morning" encouragement! I'm a night person.. so as I prepare for bed, and am ready to climb in, I sit on the side of my bed, with the lights dimmed, and say my prayers and think about life and people and my family, etc. sometimes I have tried to do that in the morning, but I sleep in later than most, and when I get up, I don't feel as close to the Lord as I do at night, in the dark of the nights and the peace and quiet of the night. It sounds nice though, to sit in the morning with my cup of tea, and to read the Bible. I do that sometimes, but quite rarely I must admit. Your Monday words always encourage me! Marilyn


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