Monday Morning Encouragement - Body Building


"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16

(Monday Morning Encouragement is taking a short break. Today's devotional is a repeat of one of my favorites. See you in two weeks, Lord willing!)

It is a mystery how Christians together function as Christ's body. It is supernatural. He spiritually indwells each Christian, and when those individuals join together, the result is the body of Christ. 

Without proper nourishment, the human body will remain immature. As with the physical body, so it is with the spiritual body. It must be nourished in order to mature.

Spiritual nourishment comes from the word of God. His truth is necessary to grow from Christian infancy into mature adulthood. And it is the responsibility of each believer to grow in faith so that we may then assist our younger Christian brothers and sisters to grow toward spiritual maturity. This is what we refer to as discipleship.

Often we view discipleship as something organized and planned. A more mature Christian may regularly meet with a new Christian and begin the process of helping them to grow in their faith. Of course, this is extremely important, and not to be diminished. 

However, I believe there is much more to discipleship than that; this form of discipleship is less formal, and just as important.  When we see a brother or sister in Christ struggling  -- no matter their biological age or spiritual age -- we are called to come along side of them and encourage them.  We encourage them with the truth of God's word, and always this must be accompanied by love. Truth without love can be judgmental, and weakens the body. But love for one another, with a sincere desire to see each other grow in truth, builds up the body and roots it to the head, which is Christ.

Today's music video How Beautiful  by Twila Paris is not a new song, and may be very familiar to you. It so perfectly reflects the beauty of Christ's own body, and His body the Church.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. Thank you for giving us a devotional even though you're taking a break. I truly enjoy reading your thoughts each week and believe that through this blog you are doing exactly what you talked about today. Encouraging and lifting others up.

  2. "Truth without love can be judgmental, and weakens the body."

    Wise and so true!

  3. This is a good way to view and approach discipleship, and one that probably gets overlooked, or maybe called something else. Generally I have thought of discipleship as helping a new believer, but your broader way of seeing it makes so much sense! I'm going to remember this!

  4. Thank you Nancy. Beautiful always brings tears. I hope you are well. Hugs.....Marilyn

  5. This is very good Nancy. I think we have to set more examples of being a good Christian especially to the younger kids growing up. We learn from our parents on right and wrong and they protect us as we grow. Same with God as we grow in faith and mimic a good Christian it instills in the younger generation. I think the problem is that there is a break down in the American family and that in turn breaks down the faith based families. So younger kids today are not getting set good examples. I love to see my own grand girls following in faith and it is important in their lives. Just wish more kids were like them. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

  6. Our pastor spoke about discipleship on Sunday! It is so necessary and needed in the church today. Great post, as usual.
    Love to you,
    Marybeth Ferrie


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