Monday Morning Encouragement -- Fruit Production


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-25

A healthy fruit-bearing tree, bush or vine will produce luscious fruit in season. In the Gospel of John Jesus speaks about the importance of His followers bearing fruit as they abide in Him. It is the proof that they are His disciples (John 15:8). 

The Holy Spirit of God resides in the Christian, and as that Christian yields to the Holy Spirit, more and more of the Spirit's fruit is revealed. 

It's good to do a self-check every so often to see how our fruit production is coming along. 

Is our love for others increasing? 

Are we more joyful? 

Does peace rule in our hearts? 

Do we demonstrate more patience? 

Is kindness evident in our lives? 

How about goodness? 

Can we say our faithfulness has grown?  

Do we have a gentle spirit? 

Are we exhibiting self-control? 

If an honest self-examination reveals that some fruit is lacking, we can call on the Holy Spirit to work in us to increase production. This requires submitting to Him. 

This is how we "walk by the Spirit". 

Today's music video Spirit of the Living God by Sounds Like Reign is a tender, sweet rendition of an old favorite. May it be an encouragement to you, as it has to me.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. I love that song... and it's perfect for today's devotion! I know I definitely need these "spirit checks", and have found myself wanting plenty of times. Usually, it's from reacting rather than responding (in a godly way). I need to post some reminders around the house! Definitely want to grow in these qualities and I'm glad you used this gentle reminder today. Thank you Nancy!

    1. My pleasure, Karen. I need this reminder as much as you do. Probably more. I had a conversation with a dear Christian brother and his wife about how often I let negative things at work upset me and I find myself grieving the Spirit. So, this devotion is really for me and I'm glad the Lord is gently reminding me to have more patience, more love, more joy, etc. at work. ♥

  2. Sometimes being human we do not always get things right. We must learn to trust in God and know that if we trust in him he will always be with us. We have to submit to him completely. That is the hard part. We do usually want to react to the situation instead of praying on it and finding our trust in God to guide us. Have a wonderful new week. Hugs. Kris

  3. You reminded me to do this spiritual "check" as I picked fresh peaches from my 3 yr old peach tree. I've babied that tree and it is still very young, but with care and nurture, I've been given a wonderful bountiful harvest this year! We must remember to be the "fruit of the spirt" also! Thank you for the reminder, and I have been trying this last year, to have more patience, to be more joyful and to have a gentler spirit towards others. xoxo Marilyn

    1. Me, too, Marilyn! And peaches???? Oh, I love peaches. So yummy. What a blessing to have your own tree!♥

  4. I love this post, Nancy. I think that too many of us don't check in often enough, myself included. I wish this post would go viral on TikTok rather than the silly nonsense I see shared by millions on social media. I think we're due for a cumulative check in...Thanks for sharing!! xo

    1. You are so welcome, Kim. Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your thoughts. ♥

  5. The songs were beautiful. And as others have said I definitely need a check up.Thanks for sharing this devotional; they always come at the "right" time.


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