Monday Morning Encouragement -- God's Requirements


"Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:28-29 (NIV)

Last week I presented some thoughts on how we often feel there is more that we need to do beyond receiving Christ as our Savior to satisfy God. That there is some Christian standard that we are required to live up to in order to please Him, and that if we miss that mark God is disappointed in us. One comment I received made mention of "performance-based acceptance" in childhood, and how being raised in such an environment can impact our relationship with God and our perception of receiving His approval.

I'm so glad this came up, because I would love to address this today from personal experience. I came from a home where "performance-based acceptance" was practiced. As long as I did everything right I received love, and if I didn't do everything right love was withheld. Even forgiveness was withheld. I lived in a constant state of insecurity, never sure that my parents really loved me, and always afraid that they would reject me.

When I reached adulthood I was interested in learning more about God. When people talked about God the Father, I pictured a supreme being who kept a checklist of all the things I did wrong. And I believed that He would never be satisfied with me, no matter how hard I tried. And so, I reckoned that there was no use in trying, and for years stopped seeking God.

Praise God a Christian came into my life who shared the truth of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. He showed me from the Bible how my view of God was warped, and he led me to the Savior. That being said, I still had much to comprehend about God's unconditional love, and how His love for me was not dependent upon my behavior. It took years, decades really, for me to overcome the need to perform and rest in the knowledge that my salvation and God's love for me was and is secure. Nothing can "pluck me from His hand." "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (John 1:9) Full stop. Nothing else is required, but for us to be honest about our sins and confess them to God. When we ask for forgiveness, He gives it. And being the wonderful Father He is, He never brings it up again. It's done. Hallelujah!

As I mentioned earlier, it has taken decades to comprehend the amazing love and grace of God and to seize it! To allow Him to write a new script for me to live by; one that eliminates the need for performance and relies solely on the truth of what He says in scripture. My journey to wholeness and spiritual wellness began in studying what God's word says, and then choosing to believe it.  I prayed to Him to change my mindset. When the enemy Satan would accuse me and try to convince me that God would abandon me for my failures, I did (and still do!) what Jesus did in the wilderness. I quoted scripture, and that truth vanquished the enemy.

I also journaled frequently. Most often after studying scripture. There's something about writing down what we have learned from God's word that cements it in our minds and hearts. And what a joy it is to go back in time to the present and see how God has changed and grown us. How He has overcome the challenges in our lives, and brought us into a vibrant relationship with Him!

Scripture reading, prayer, and journaling. Those are the tools I have used to overcome "performance-based acceptance", as well as other challenges in my life. I would love to hear in the comments how God has overcome challenges in your own life.

Today's music video The Love of God by Marty Goetz, live from Israel, is one I have shared with you in the past. In writing today's encouragement, this song played in my mind, so I take that as a sign to share it once again. It's so beautiful, and its message is so powerful. Enjoy.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. Thank you for understanding, Nancy. It does take time and effort to overcome years of that performance-based mindset. God's Word is the guide to understanding how He is different from our earthly experience. Forgiving, letting it go, and realizing my parents thought they were doing the right thing has helped too. We're now in a position to lovingly encourage others who may have gone through, or are going through the same thing, and in that way it works for good!

  2. My Dad was very performance based too, although, even then he was very sparing in any praise whatsoever. My Mom had to quietly let us know how much she loved us, how proud she was, because my Dad would not be very nice if he found her "coddling" us. It's very sad. I don't think he knew what he did and it caused huge rifts in mine and my siblings relationship with him. Unfortunately my siblings have said they never forgave him and he's been gone almost 25 years now. I think I did. I hope I did. I've tried very hard to forgive and I hope it's acceptable to the Lord. Some phrases and gestures will bring old feelings back and then I feel I have to forgive all over again. I think it's a perpetual thing.
    Thank you for this post. It's always a great reminder that God is God, not our earthly Dad.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Thank you for the wonderful story of your upbringing! Though my mom took us to church, I really didn't learn that much or read the Bible much. I had a few scriptures memorized and believed that "up there somewhere" was a Father I could talk to. Fast forward 20 years and a good friend instruduced me to more Bible reading and quoted me more scriptures to help me understand that God knew my heart. My childhood was that I always had to accomplish something to be worthy.. not necessarily by God, but by my parents or something out there that wouldn't make me feel worthy unless I accomplished things all the time. I still struggle with that feeling to this day. I've even read scripture based books on "When I relax I Feel Guilty".. that was a book that really helped me, but I still am not sure I feel that I am accepted by God wholly and completely, no matter if I don't "perform" daily! Your story helped me immensely! xoxo Marilyn

  4. I am sad that you had to experience that in your childhood. But on the other hand, maybe you truly understand God's grace and His true fatherhood so much better because you can see the contrast and know the true Father.


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