Monday Morning Encouragement -- New Beginning


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

In just two days from now 2024 will be over. For some of us it will be a relief to turn the calendar page and say good-bye to this past year. Others will have fond memories of 2024 and may feel a bit nostalgic about leaving it. 

I for one have always liked the idea of a new year beginning, no matter how wonderful or awful the previous year has been. There's just something about the start of a new year that's inspiring. A fresh start. A blank slate. And although I'm not one for new year resolutions, which more often than not are broken within the month of January, I do like to reflect on what I may improve upon in the new year, especially when it comes to my walk with Christ. Today's Bible verse encourages me in my quest. I'm not bound by anything in my past. I'm a new creation in Christ, and this is as true on this day as it was more than 50 years ago when I first received Him as my Savior. I'm not the same person I was yesterday, and I won't be the same person tomorrow. Jesus is always teaching me something new. Sometimes it takes awhile for me to "get it", depending upon on how yielded I am to the Holy Spirit, but He never gives up on me. His mercies are new every morning, and that just makes me love Him all the more. I can look back on 2024 and see how my Heavenly Father has worked in my life, and I so look forward to seeing what He will do in 2025.

How about you? Can you look back on the past year and see the good things God has done in your life? If not, it may be time to have a talk with our Father and ask Him to show you those good things. You can be sure He will do so. All for His glory, and for your well-being. Then join me in welcoming the new year with a renewed passion for Jesus Christ.

Today's music video Mercies (New Every Morning) by Matt Redman reminds us of God's faithfulness to us in every season.

l love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. It is the time of year for reflection. And new hope. Happy New Year.

  2. We've had many happy things happen this year and God has blessed us tremendously. It has been a difficult year medically for several of our friends so we keep them in prayer always. I think if you look hard enough you will always find blessings though. I am wondering what this new year will bring us considering the state of the world. Will this be the year Jesus returns for His church? Oh, I hope so. If not, I will just stay true to Him, believing that His plan is the best one for me.
    Blessings and Happy New Year Nancy!

  3. Happy Monday Nancy and Happy New Year to you! Thank you for this post and the scriptures.. the music is beautiful and I enjoyed listening to it. I still have trouble opening up my arms totally to Christ, because he "let" my son die.... I know.. there are so many reasons why.. and He had His plans and reasons and all that, but I still can't help but have a little anger there and distrust in His goodness. I do try and pray about it alot! Your Monday messages are always uplifting to me! xoxo Marilyn

  4. Happy New Year 2025! Now I am singing this song in my mind: "The steadfast love of the Lord never faileth. His mercies they never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning! Great is your faithfulness, O God, great is your faithfulness."

  5. Oh my goodness! Sweet friend, this post is so encouraging, thank you. I am so glad I stopped by to read your blog today. It's just what I needed :)

  6. Happy New Year, Nancy!! I, like you, am always happy to turn the page to a new year, but there was a lot of good in 2024. Of course, every year is a mixed bag, but I do try to hold onto the good more than then the not so good. I wish you nothing but health, joy and happiness in 2025, my friend, and sending you hugs across the miles.

  7. Hello. Happy New Year! I love the verse you shared. It was a tough year in many ways for me, and I was happy to turn the calendar page and say goodbye to 2024. I lost my mom in March, so that explains it all. She's happy and healthy again and with our Heavenly Father, but I miss her every day. I'm excited for this new year and all the blessings God has in store for me and my family.


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