Monday Morning Encouragement -- The Love of a Friend

"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17

Dear Friends,

I have to begin today's devotional by apologizing to you. I was out of town for over a week, visiting a friend in Oregon. I intended to set my blog to post two devotionals while I was gone. I created the posts and scheduled them, but I apparently did something wrong because neither devotional posted. I'm so sorry. I'm back home now and posting as usual. 

Today's scripture verse is a reminder to me of how much I dearly love my Oregon friend Mary. Eight years ago we met in the town of Wallowa, Oregon, where we both built small homes. . .cottages really. Our mutual love for the Lord quickly cemented our friendship, and through the years we have remained close, even as we both have relocated several times.

I'm not a particularly brave traveler, and haven't had a "real" vacation for well over 10 years. I no longer enjoy flying; not because I'm afraid to fly, but because I don't like airports. I don't like standing in line, don't like crowds, and I don't like checking bags. I just don't like any of it. However, I really had a longing to see Mary again. We chat frequently by phone, but I wanted to see her in person. So, I planned a driving trip to see her, and left my home on October 6 to drive to her home in eastern Oregon. I returned home on October 13. Both ways I spent the night in Ogden, Utah.

The time I spent at Mary's home was exceptionally memorable. Not because we did some fantastic things or saw fabulous sights. But because we spent hours talking, and sharing our love of Christ. From the moment we poured our first cup of coffee in the morning, to our final "good night" as we both turned in for the day, we never tired of talking. We never ran out of things to talk about. Even now that I'm home, I know I can call her and we'll continue to discover new things to talk over. I'm so blessed to call her "my friend."

No matter what happens to either of us, Mary and I will always be friends. She has loved me at all times, as I have loved her at all times. There's no doubt in either of our minds that our Heavenly Father brought us together, and that He meant for us to love and encourage one another. Life has not been easy for either of us, and yet there is a joy and peace that we share that transcends all trouble. It is the joy and peace that comes from the love of our Savior. We know we are loved by Him, and that we share a special bond as sisters in Christ.

I hope you have a friend like Mary. If you do, I'd love to hear about that friend in the comments. If you don't have a friend like Mary, I pray the Lord will bring a friend like her into your life. 

Today's music video Friends by Michael W. Smith is a testament to the special love shared by those whose God is the Lord.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. Hope you have a blessed week.

  2. It was wonderful to took this trip to visit in person with such a dear and important person in your life. The drive must have been beautiful with Fall colors popping up. I recently drove with my daughter from Salem, OR to Boise, ID to see family and Fall was starting to show her colors and of course seeing family was great. We have to make time and the effort to do that. I have missed your regular blog posts and not sure if I'm not on that send list or if you stopping blogging about your home and life in general. I have used your updating and upgrading posts about the manufactured home as great examples for anyone feeling stuck for ideas. Dee

  3. You are certainly very blessed to have such a special friend Nancy, but it's clear that you realize this. I lost my dearest friend when I was 40 (she passed away at age 40), and then I met a lady at work in the last 10 years that I enjoyed that special connection with. We could talk about anything and both encouraged each other in our faith. She moved but we stayed in touch. She passed away 2 years ago. I miss these special friendships very much. I hope everyone who has a special friend treasures her, it's truly a gift from God.

  4. I was a bit concerned when two weeks went by...were you stopping blogging?? So your notification and this post encouraged me. You're back! And I am glad for you that you had that time with your friend.
    I do have a couple of friends like that. So blessed.

  5. Good Evening Nancy. What a beautiful post about your friendship with Mary and your trip. I have a few friends that I have known for years and our bonds have brought us to feel more like family with each other. We do not always see each other but when we do we pick right back up where we left off. I am a big believer that God puts people in our paths for a reason. For comfort and love and teach us something. Some friends will be in our lives until we take our last breath and others will come and go through the years but were there when we needed them most or they needed us. That is the beauty of loving Christ and knowing he gives us this beautiful gift in life. I am so happy for you that you made the trip. I think it is brave to travel anywhere whether by airplane or car anymore. Especially if you are a single woman by yourself. I am glad God was by your side every mile of the trip and encouraged you to continue to see Mary. What a beautiful gift you both had being together. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  6. I loved hearing about your trip to Mary's home. I have a friend like that in Spokane. It's not been easy being so far away from her since we moved back to Nebraska but I know the friendship will endure. We both have a strong, very strong faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I also know how you feel about flying. The past two times I've flown I've gotten terribly sick, the second time making me miss our sons wedding. Packed in like sardines. I joke that they spent the time of not much flying during the pandemic moving the seats closer together to get more people on the planes! :-)
    I pray you have a wonderful week as we look forward to the day Jesus will appear to take us home.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. So happy to hear that you got away for a mini- vacation and went to visit your friend. True friends are so hard to find especially as you get older. I wish with all my heart that I had a Mary in my life as I am going through some very difficult times. The good friends I had have all passed away. I lost my special best friend two years ago. Thank you for the lovely post! All the best to you!


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