Monday Morning Encouragement - The Power of Prayer

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."  James 5:16

George Ferdinand Mueller was a preacher and evangelist who along with his wife, Mary, founded an orphanage in Bristol. In 1832 they began caring for orphans in their own home until the needs outweighed the size of their home, and neighbors began to complain. 

Eventually the Muellers built five houses which became known as the Ashley Down Orphanage. Throughout its history around 18,000 orphans were cared for there.

The number of children the Muellers ministered to is astounding, to be sure. But the truly remarkable thing about his ministry is that George Mueller never asked for financial support for his work, but instead through the power of prayer relied on the Lord to provide all that was needed. And God did just that.

On one particular morning, there was no food for the children's breakfast. George and the children prayed to the Lord, and soon afterward a local baker brought bread to the orphanage, saying that the Lord had laid it upon his heart to do so. Soon after that the milkman arrived and asked if the orphanage could use fresh milk, since his truck had broken down. God had provided breakfast for the children.

The faith and prayer life of George Mueller should inspire us to kneel at the throne of Grace and present our needs to the One who cares for us, already knows what we need, and is prepared to meet those needs upon our request (Matthew 6:31-32.)

Today's music video Sweet Hour of Prayer by Casting Crowns is a traditional hymn that has encouraged me over the years. I hope it will encourage you, as well.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. God does truly meet our needs when we live in obedience to Him. I have experienced this in so many ways. When we see this in our own lives, it provides the encouragement we need when things look hopeless! Beautiful song, I love the traditional hymns especially.

    1. You are so right, Karen. I look back on the times in my own life when tragedy struck and God stepped in with His love and compassion, and brought beauty out of ashes. These experiences have strengthened my faith and proven that what He has promised is true. He will provide. He will restore. Warm hugs.

  2. It really is amazing the way our prayers get answered sometimes, even if it's not always the way we ask for...Hoping you are well my friend!

  3. George Mueller has always been an example to me to PRAY ever since I fir hsteard about his ministry many years ago.

  4. What a lovely story of the Muellers and how they serviced God and when they needed to provide for the children he came through. We need more people like the Mueller's in this world. Happy New Week. Hugs. Kris

  5. Your posts are always such good reminders of God's faithfulness!

  6. Oh you can never say too much about the power of prayer. Another beautiful post, God bless you Nancy.


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