Monday Morning Encouragement - Steadfast Heart


"They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD." Psalm 112:7

Last week during one of my morning Bible readings I spent time in Psalm 112. When I came to the seventh verse I was struck by the words I read. It seemed especially appropriate at that moment, as lately there seems to be nothing but bad news on the airwaves. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know what I'm talking about. It's enough to keep us awake at night, worrying about our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. So, how do we deal with this?

The Bible makes it clear that we are to put our trust in God. He is not surprised by anything that happens. He's not distracted or looking the other way. He's not wringing His hands and worrying about what to do next. To put it in popular terms, "He's got this."

Jesus doesn't want us to live in fear. He says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27). 

So, how do we keep our hearts from being troubled? The answer lies within the covers of the Bible. That is where we find encouragement for each day. When we sit quietly and read scripture we open our hearts and minds to receive the encouragement God wants to give us. He longs to speak to us, and He does so through the verses that we read. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding and brings back to our recollection the words we have read when we most need them. 

If you are not daily spending time in God's word, then I urge you to start doing this today. I guarantee it will change your life. Your faith will increase. You will trust the Lord more. And you will possess a steadfast heart.

I have chosen for today's video Where There Is Faith by 4Him. It's an older song that encouraged my heart during a very low point in my life. I'm so thankful that God gives us music like this that reinforces His love for us and the power of faith in Him.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. I am thankful that God has our backs on all things. Sometimes it is hard to remember that when you are in an emotional state of stress. The music is beautiful. xoxo Kris

  2. Good Monday Afternoon! I'm back! (been on an overseas trip)
    I have also been reading the Psalms lately. They have been so encouraging for me.
    I hope you have a peaceful week.

  3. That's such a good verse! And perfect to read with all the bad news we hear. I haven't heard that song for a long time. It's good too!

  4. Such good encouragement, Nancy. It is so important to be in God's Word each day. Blessings on you!

  5. True words of encouragement. Man does not live my bread alone . . . read His word and be filled and nourished :)

  6. This is something I periodically struggle with and then have to remind myself that Christ does not want me to live in fear of future trouble, that he will go with me or my family through it when it may come, as he has in the past. It is more difficult to find peace about those in the world today living through war on their doorstep. It's very hard and maybe it should be.

  7. "If you are not daily spending time in God's word, then I urge you to start doing this today. I guarantee it will change your life. Your faith will increase. You will trust the Lord more. And you will possess a steadfast heart."

    Hit the spot. Thank you!


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