Monday Morning Encouragement - Seek the Face that Satisfies


"Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face continually."
1 Chronicles 16:11

Americans, as well as many other people around the world, seem to continually seek after things that have no eternal value. I certainly fell into that category for the first third of my adult life. The desire for material things was more important to me than my Savior. I thought a bigger home, a nicer car, better clothes and more "stuff" would satisfy me. But they didn't. They never do. It's like physical hunger; no matter how much we eat today, tomorrow we'll be hungry again. I think that's why Jesus called Himself the "Bread of Life".

Jesus satisfies our soul -- our very life. We go after stuff because our souls are hungry. So it really comes down to making a choice. What is more important to us? God or things? The Lord said we can't serve two masters, we'll end up hating one and loving the other, or we'll be devoted to one and despise the other. We can't serve God and wealth. (Matthew 6:24) Now that doesn't mean we have to be poor to serve God. Lots of wealthy people serve God, using their money to further His kingdom. No, it's when we love money more than God that our souls starve. But when we seek the Lord and look to Him for satisfaction (which He supplies by His mighty strength), when we allow Him to continually fill us with His love, then we know peace, and joy, and contentment.  

The Apostle Paul said, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13)

Today's music video More Than Anything by Corey Voss and Madison Street Worship inspires me to truly love Jesus more than anything and be content in Him; to let Him satisfy my soul. I hope it will inspire you, as well.

I love you, I'm thinking of you, and I'm praying for you.


  1. Good morning Nancy! I couldn't agree with you more on this subject. We are taught by society, television, movies, etc., to NOT be content with what you have. It's more, more, more all of the time.
    I am trying to be content with our house in the not so good part of town. (Yes, I would love new kitchen cabinets, but oh well.) It wasn't what we planned for this season of life, but it's where God planted us and He even provided a very nice home right next door to Mom! He is so good.
    We are happy to be together most of the time now in this little place and even think we've found a way to live "some" of our dreams while still providing for Mom.

    1. I'm right there with you, Betsy. I didn't plan on living in cold Colorado, certainly didn't imagine living in a mobile home in a 55+ park, and didn't think I'd be working full time in my "golden" years. However, like you I truly believe this is where God wants me and He is providing everything I need. I'm grateful I have a home and food on my table. Contentment is a blessing. Hugs.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I surely hope I can meet Paul one day!!! It is easy to fall into the trap but it is so much easier to live in took me a while.
    *** Nancy, I don't know if you pull up your emails all the time....but I sent you a private email.

    1. Addie, I do check my emails regularly and didn't see one from you. However, I did check my spam folder and apparently Google decided to send your email there. :( I will be reading it and will respond shortly. God bless you. xx

  3. I think less is more. We live in a country where everyone wants more and more things! We need more and more kindness and love for each other. Have a good start to the new week. xoxo Kris

  4. Less is more=truth! Contentment is a choice and I for one have to focus and choose every day. The best part is Seek The Lord while He may be found. And I love Paul's statement of contentment. He threw down the challenge!
    Have a wonderful week.

  5. The older we get the wiser we become . . . or I certainly hope so :) As for me, my needs are little and I feel so blessed to have a small comfortable home with hot and cold running water, a toilet in the house that flushes, a furnace that works properly and keeps me warm and food in the cupboards. So many people are praying for those simple things that we take for granted. It's good to hear these words from the Apostle Paul and to remember for who our blesses come.
    Have a sweet week my friend,
    Connie :)

  6. Hello,
    I agree with you. I see that "things" have become peoples "god".. continuing to pray for our nation, world, family and friends.

  7. Very true Nancy! Just happy to have my home and a roof over my head. So many people don't have that. I consider myself truly blessed. God bless you and have a wonderful week filled with many blessings...


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