Counting Life by Heart-throbs

"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial.


We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.


And he whose heart beats quickest lives the longest.
Lives in one hour more than in years do some
Whose fat blood sleeps as it slips along their veins.


Life's but a means unto an end; that end,
Beginning, mean, and end to all things—God


The dead have all the glory of the world."
Philip James Bailey (1816-1902)

I've been in a reflective mood the past week; finding joy in counting life by heart-throbs:
1. The Somerset Life magazine was a special blessing from Kris at Junk Chic Cottage. I was one of the winners of her giveaway. She wrote an article for this issue entitled "Blogging: My Unexpected Discovery." If you don't have the magazine, you can read the feature on Kris's beautiful blog here. I'm absolutely in love with this beautifully photographed periodical. It's jam packed with creative ideas and inspiration for living. (Thank you, Kris.)
2. A Monarch butterfly paused in my garden to drink nectar from a Cosmo.
3. The subtle beauty of a fall arrangement created from nature's supply.
4. I believe the simplest image can stir the heart that has opened its eyes to see. 
Anne Butera of the blog My Giant Strawberry has a thought-provoking post today. Anne is a soulful artist with extraordinary insights into life and a marvelous way of expressing them. 
Click here to read Anne's Finding Perfection in the Present Moment. 
Are you counting time by heart-throbs, or by figures on a dial?


  1. What a beautiful, thoughtful post, Nancy. Sometimes it's so hard to stay focused on what is most important when the rest of the world seems to be zooming past or counting figures on a dial. Sometimes I feel so out of step.

    "Lives in one hour more than in years do some" -- I strive to be that person, but it's not always easy.

    I'm very glad to know that my post was thought provoking for you. Thanks so much for the shout out!

    Have a joy-filled, slow (counted in heart-throbs) week.

  2. I am a worrier and tend to live in the future, Nancy. I really need to stop, slow down and focus on today and what beats inside me this moment. After all, that's all we really have anyway. xo

  3. It's wonderful to find kindred spirits through blogs.

    I loved this reflective post and your photos.

  4. Hi Nancy, I must confess that it truly depends on which day we are talking about. Some days glide by like petals blowing in the wind . . . time to smell the flowers . . . to gaze at the stars or to watch the cotton candy clouds sail by. Then there are days where I am running my legs off, checking my to do list and wondering how I will ever manage. Today was a little bit of both :)

  5. Open eyes, a gift that is a huge blessing. And we all want to live the most we can.

    Lovely quote!

  6. I make a point to slow down and enjoy the moments - the smells, colours, people and pets, a beautiful view, a cool breeze, a rainbow, the clouds (LOVE clouds!). So important to take life moment by moment. The present is the only thing we can be sure of! xox

  7. A post that we should all be reminded of often. I love the picture of the butterfly and the flower. Nancy

  8. Hi Nancy,
    First thanks for the thank you on the magazine. I am so happy that magazine ended up being a gift for you and a gift to pay it forward!!!! Loved that!!!! If I have learned anything in these last 8 months of job searching and now home selling it is patience. Things will all work out they way they are suppose to and usually not on our schedule. So I just try to live in the moment. Have a great week.

  9. Nancy your words are heartfelt, truth, honesty ... Beautiful my friend.

  10. I love Somerset Life, Nancy. I bought a whole year's worth of back issues at a tag sale and have really enjoyed them.

    1. This is my first experience with the magazine, and I've been so impressed. I think this is a magazine to read and keep . . .back issues sound like a great idea.

  11. I love number 4 Nancy. So true! As for counting time, I take everything day by day.

    1. That's good, Kelly. We're not promised tomorrow and yesterday has passed. Best to live in the present. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  12. Beautiful post Nancy! I have many heat throbs throughout the day. Life is full of so much joy and beauty! I have not had a chance to read the article yet, but want to buy the book.

  13. Lovely! I think I'm counting life by breaths, each one, purposeful and gratefully taken! Blessings, Cindy

  14. Beautiful post Nancy and a great reminder to slow down and take each day as they come. Hope you have a great week my friend. :)

  15. This is how I love to live. Unfortunately, work doesn't allow for much of is nice to take a break before and after work so I can get my fix of LIFE!!!!!!!

  16. Beautiful . . . Nancy . . .
    My mantra . . . Live Now In Kindness . . .

  17. What an inspiring post!

    Thank you for the links to lovely writings of others as well.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

  18. Hello, what beautiful thoughts ....being fully present in the present is how I try to live...

    1. I think it takes practice to be "fully present in the present", don't you? It doesn't just happen. . .at least not for me. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.

  19. Good morning, Nancy.

    I've had some catching up to do on your blog! It is so wonderful to see that you've moved in, and putting in a beautiful landscape, and enjoying your new little cottage. I hope you enjoy living big in a smaller home as much as we do.

    I visited Kris' blog to read her article. So many people are saying that blogging is losing interest, but I'm with Kris ~ there are so many wonderful people to meet through blogging, and ideas to share. For me, blogging only gets better with time.

    I hope you enjoy a beautiful autumn day today.

    1. So nice to receive a visit from you, Lin. I agree with you. . .blogging only gets better with time. And the best part about blogging is meeting lovely people like you. xo

  20. Great post Nancy. I try to live present in each day but fail often. It is not that I am so busy, it is that my grief for my husband and then my mother this past August has made me numb. I am slowly crawling out of the numbness though and started to live more. This post is yet another nudge in the right direction.

  21. All wonderful, warm observations, Nancy. I did a giveaway for Somerset on my blog, too, and just because it was Kris that is featured in there. She is just a love, isn't she? What a good post today and a reminder to slow down and listen to those heart throbs! xoDiana

  22. Hello,
    Anne is so good with words, I agree. :-) I started following her after you did a feature about her awhile back. :-)
    I loved this post today.

  23. Moment by moment, hearthrobs - oh yes. I am learning each day to be content in the moment I am in, and trust the Lord for the rest. A truly amazing post Nancy - each picture showcasing a special moment or hearthrob if you will! I adored your outdoor nature display, so excited you won the magazine through Kris, your butterfly picture is amazing and the b&w picture too! I enjoyed reading Anne's post, about having joy in the moment, and being thankful for it. Wonderful words today, enjoyed so much! May you have many special moments enjoying life as it happens :)

  24. Beautiful post and a nice confirmation for me. With grandchildren and my son turning 17 this year, I have purposely tried to live in the here and now and enjoy ALL the little things of every day. I have learned to say "why not?" instead of "no"!

  25. 'Counting life by heart throbs' I like that idea. Lovely post. :-)

  26. What a beautiful post, Julie. I'm also trying to be more present in my own life, appreciate each moment, it goes by so quickly!

  27. You have some really great "heart throbs".
    Have a great weekend. Keep looking for those throbs!


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